VPN (virtual private network), a network of personal / private use within the form that uses the medium of air / internet to connect between remote-site safely. please note that by default vpn note this can only be done on the local network only. if you want to be tested through an internet connection it is necessary to configure NAT so that our VPN network resolves to our vpn. Here are the steps to build VPN Simple:
Step 1 - Create a VPN Server
1. Install openvpn on Ubuntu.
2. Create easy-rsa folder and copy the files from /usr /share /doc /openvpn /vpn for tools.
3. Go to the easy-rsa folder and edit the file vars. Then run the command sourcevars.
4. Generate CA Certificate and Key server.
5. Generate a private key for the server. Do not forget to confirm the certificate.
6. Generate dh (Diffie Hellman) parameters for the server. \
7. Go to the keys folder, copy the file ca, keys, certificates, and dh has degenerate file to /etc/openvpn.
8. Generate keys and certificates for the client.
9. Copy the file to a folder openvpn server.conf and make sure important parameters have been adapted to our vpn server, such as "ca ca.crt", "cert myservername.crt", "key myservername.key", "dh dh1024.pem" (all without quotes).
10. Restart openvpn tun0 then check whether the interface is active
Step 2 - Configuration OpenVPN as a client:
1. Install openvpn application for windows7.
2. Copy the client certificates that have been made to the server config folder in the program files \ openvpn.
3. Copy the files in the folder client.ovpn sample-config into the config folder. Edit the file and adjust its parameters. Because too many comments on the file, the following core configuration file client.ovpn
4. Run the application open VPN GUI run as administrator. Make sure the firewall is not blocking the program. Then right-click the link above to try icon.
6. Ping the server from the client and a remote server through vpn experiments.
The last step - staying ping or share files.
Good Luck, if there is something wrong in the article I sent to my email triantonotaufik@gmail.com