Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Squid3 configuration on Linux Ubuntu Server 12.4

At this time, I was given the opportunity to discuss Squid3 configuration on Ubuntu Linux 12.4

1. First install squid 3 on ubuntu server, using the command:

#sudo apt-get install squid3

2. After the installation is complete go into squid3 directory using the command:

cd / etc/squid3

Lusca proxy in Ubuntu Server LTS 12.04

Install Ubuntu 12.04 as usual on the proxy server tutorial.

would be better if you use a separate hdd to partition Linux system [for /], and partitioning for the cache [directory / cache]

Install Web Server on Ubuntu Server

Maybe some of you all to know how to make a web server on Ubuntu, but it's worth posting here because my future, I hope there is a tutorial that made some kind of web-based applications that ERP, cloud computing etc..

Deadly Plymouth Ubuntu Safely

Most ubuntu users come looking for a way to change or modify the Plymouth splash theme, but this time we will actually deliver on Ubuntu plymouth shutdown safely, not by meremove plymouthnya packages. The way is to turn off plymouth grub configuration.

Configuring DNS on Ubuntu 10:10 server

Thank you for taking the time to keep your visit on my blog, utuk this post I will discuss how to install and configure the DNS server on ubuntu server.
Log in terminal as root (#)
Install packages to dns server

# apt-get install bind9 (wait for it to finish)
# nano / etc / bind / named.conf.local