Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Install Web Server on Ubuntu Server

Maybe some of you all to know how to make a web server on Ubuntu, but it's worth posting here because my future, I hope there is a tutorial that made some kind of web-based applications that ERP, cloud computing etc..

I assume the company is connected to the inet or local repo via cd or LAN.

Open a terminal, install some packages:

#sudo apt-get install apache2

test whether the web server is installed properly by opening your browser and type localhost

more ...
#sudo apt-get install php5

#sudo apt-get install mysql-server

#sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

Especially for the installation you will be asked mysql user and mysql root administrator password that you will use later (user and password up to you, which is important to remember ya Sob).

whereas phpmysql package used for mysql editor via the web so that allergy with sql syntax in the console can use this feature. To access please go to browser type localhost / phpmyadmin enter the mysql root user and password that was created during the installation of mysql Wink

Most placement of web files included in / var / www or / usr / share. But many web applications ported to the server root directory so swollen as a result, can outsmart enable user dir in kernel module. That let web content can be transferred to the user directory in / home / user / public_html. how ...

#sudo a2enmod userdir

then restart your web server by typing dikonsole

#sudo / etc/init.d/apache2 restart

create a directory in / home / user / public_html

tried to test by opening your browser and type:

http://localhost/ ~ user

Do not forget to sign "~" in front of your user name exp :/ localhost / ~ novalnd

This way you can share applications with other web users who connect with you via the network.

furthermore, we stayed the implementation of web applications that we want to install. For web developement can use this feature to preview web in real, if the fix live uploads to hostserver on inet

good luck