Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Squid3 configuration on Linux Ubuntu Server 12.4

At this time, I was given the opportunity to discuss Squid3 configuration on Ubuntu Linux 12.4

1. First install squid 3 on ubuntu server, using the command:

#sudo apt-get install squid3

2. After the installation is complete go into squid3 directory using the command:

cd / etc/squid3

then proceed with the command squid.conf.origin copy and rename the squid.conf, as for the commands used are:

squid.conf.origin cp squid.conf

3. Once the file is completed next pengcopyan did configuration in squid.conf, using the command:

#sudo nano / etc/squid3/squid.conf

then locate the http port 3128, http_access allow localhost, and acl localnet src # remove the sign in front, if everything had been removed save and exit the configuration window.

4. If the configuration has been completed restart squid3 squid3 with the command:

#sudo / etc/init.d/squid3 restart

5. Furthermore clien connect computers with server computers using one network card ip setting fruit again on the second computer in the first class of the same ip.

6. When you have finished the test with the ping command. Make sure both computers are connected to getting reply reply. if you are connected type the following command on the server computer

#sudo tail-f / var/log/squid3/access.log

When finished setting the proxy on the computer ip clien contained on the computer and the port 3128 server that was configured in squid3. When finished, do a browser on a particular address on a computer clien if the configuration is correct it will be the address will appear on the server computer.