In this blog I will provide information and instruction regarding the Ubuntu Linux from the server and the Desktop.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Basic commands ubuntu
Here are some commands that can be used in the operating system Ubuntu in CLI mode, both Desktop and Server, which is also a lot to be used on another distro. In this example I'm using Ubuntu server 10.10.
1. sudo su
Used to login as root / highest userSyntax sudo su
2. login
Used to login as another user, but it must be a root used to be able to run this peirntah.Syntax: login usernameExample: adam login
3. CD
Used to change directorySyntax: cd alamat_direktoriExample: cd / var / www
4. pwd
Used to show in the directory where the position we are now.Syntax: pwd
5. ls
Used to view the contents of a directory.Syntax: ls
6. cp
Used to copy files.Syntax: cp / directory / file_yang_ingin_dicopy / destination directoryExample: cp / etc/file1.txt / var / www
7. mv
Used to do a move, cut or rename the file.Syntax:mv / directory / file_yang_ingin_dicut / destination directory (cut)mv / directory / file_yang_ingin_direname / nama_baru_file (rename)Example:mv / etc/file1.txt / var / wwwmv / etc/file1.txt file2.txt
8. mkdir
Used to create a new folder.Syntax: mkdir nama_folderExample: mkdir folder1
9. rmdir
Used to delete the folder.Syntax: rmdir nama_folderExample: rmdir folder1
10. touch
Used to create a new file.Syntax: touch filenameExample: touch file1.txt
11. rm
Used to delete the file.Syntax: rm file_nameExample: rm file1.txt
12. more
Used to display the contents of a fileSyntax: more nama_fieExample: more file1.txt
13. echo
Used to write something word or phrase to a file.Syntax: echo "message" file_nameExample: echo "Hi this is a sample message" file1.txt >>
14. adduser
Used to add new users.Syntax: adduser nama_userExample: adduser adamkurniawan
15. addgroup
Used to add a new groupSyntax: addgroup nama_groupExample: group1 addgroup
16. lsusb
Used to see the usb device is connected to the computerSyntax: lsusb
17. lspci
Used to see the pci devices that are connected to the computerSyntax: lspci
18. lshw
Used to look at the computer hardware.Syntax: lshw
19. dmesg
Used to view the current hardware activitiesSyntax: dmseg
20. top
Used to see which processes are running, such as the Task Manager in Windows.Syntax: top
21. cpuinfo
Used to see the computer specs.Syntax: more / proc / cpuinfo
22. meminfo
Used to view the status of RAMSyntax: more / proc / meminfo
23. clear
Used to clean the screenSyntax: clear24. haltUsed to turn off the computer, but it should be as root.Syntax: halt
25. reboot
Used to restart the computer, but it must be as root.Syntax: reboot
26. exit
Used to exit the terminal.Syntax: exit
27. wget
Used to download via terminalSyntax: wget link_downloadExample: wget
28. ifconfig
Used to view the configuration of ethernet / network card.Syntax: ifconfig
29. apt-get
Used to obtain the package / software from ubuntu repository online.Sintax: apt-get package_nameExample:apt-get update (to update the repository)apt-get update wine (to get the wine package)
30. tar
Used to do the extract file.Syntax: tar [parameter] file_nameExample: tar-xzvf komodo-edit-5.2.4-4343-linux-libcpp6-x86.tar.gz
31. nautilus
Used to open the GUI directly.Syntax: nautilusExample: sudo nautilus (using GUI mode with root status)
32. df -h
see the remaining capacity of the hard disk.syntax: df-h
33. who
used to seeing our login name.syntax: who
34. paint
used to open the file.syntax: catexample: cat test.txt
35. date
see the datesyntax: date
36. cal
see the calendarsyntax: see the date
37. hostname
Displays the name of the computer.syntax: hostname
38. free
Viewed Free memory.syntax: free
39. History
see what commands are never typedsyntax: History
40. deluser
Remove users from the systemsyntax: deluser [user name]uname-r = Seeing kernel used in OSuname-a = Information system kernelcat / proc / cpuinfo = Viewing files in / proc directory is not a real file (not real files).cat / proc / interrupts = Seeing interrupt address is / proc / version = version of Linux and other / proc / filesystems = Viewing filesystem / etc / printcap = Viewing printers that have been set upfinger username = Viewing user information, try running; fingerrootlast = Seeing the previous user has logged on the computer.uptime = Seeing the amount of time the use of computers by one, starting the last (= print status) = Seeing processes run by the userps axu = View the entire process is run, although without a control terminal, also displayed the name of the user for each = Viewing running processes, cpu usage order.apropos = To find commands on the operating system that have the same function.chmod = Change the permissions of a directory / file.wc = Count the number of words, number of lines and the number of characters in a = Abbreviation of manual that is to display the manual pages for all UNIX commands.grep = Searching the contents of a file in any directory.pwd = Displays the name of your current directory where it was = Used to monitor information about active processes in the UNIX system.kill = Used to stop the running processes.bc = bc command can be used as a calculator.wall = Delivery of messages by the super user.: W used u / save file or equal to (save).: Q is used u / exit bunches mentimpan file editor.: Wq used u / exit the editor and save the file.tail = Displays 10 lines of a = List all files completels-a = Displays all hidden files or directoriesls-f = Displays all files or directories without the shortinggrep root / etc / passwd = Looking for a word or phrase in the file